PHOTOGRAPHY: STEPHANI BUCHMAN STYLING: ALI BUDD There are styles: contemporary, transitional, traditional. And then, there are statements. They don’t come...
PHOTOGRAPHY: PRASHANT BHAT The two combined apartments are home to three generations of one family: the paterfamilias, his son, and...
Stunning bay views are easy to come by in the area of Port Moody known as the Golden Mile. But...
PHOTOGRAPHY: JANIS NICOLAYSTYLING: RACHELLE GERVAIS For years, a Nanaimo couple strolled around their neighbourhood admiring the waterfront properties not far...
PHOTOGRAPHY: JASON HARTOG It’s a growing trend in many suburban neighbourhoods: A new generation of homeowners is slowly transforming the...
PHOTOGRAPHY: LARRY ARNAL The area around the pool was redone, incorporating the extension that was built on to the back...
PHOTOGRAPHY: JEAN BLAISSTYLING: TRACEY MacKENZIE The kitchen is Gabriela’s favourite spot in the condo, thanks to the new galley layout...
PHOTOGRAPHY: RODOLF NOËLSTYLING: JEAN-FRANÇOIS CROUSSETTE The Extenzo ceiling in the living room reflects the lake, creating a visual effect that...
PHOTOGRAPHY: LARRY ARNALSTYLING: JANE LOCKHART Every new experience in life is accompanied by a set of lessons. Instructions are not...
PHOTOGRAPHY: PAUL GRDINASTYLING: SARAH GALLOP AND STEPHANIE MALHAS A large house becomes a grand home if everything is done in...