Tag: Covid-19

Keep it Clean

Keep it Clean

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, one thing that is constantly on our minds is how to stay safe. And ...

Home Work

Home Work

Lenny Di Palma describes working from home during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic as a game of musical ...

Pandemic-Influenced Design

Pandemic-Influenced Design

Sinks near the front entrance for hand-washing. Guest bedrooms and broom closets that double as home offices. Backyard vegetable gardens. ...

Stay Home, Stay Fit

Stay Home, Stay Fit

I was finally going to the gym daily when the pandemic hit and shut everything. Before long, I started to ...

A Tale of Two Homes

A Tale of Two Homes

Photography: Drew HadleyStyling: Jean MonetFloral arrangements:Le Marché aux fleurs du village It was the best of times, it was the ...

Active Market

Active Market

After heating up quickly in the past couple of years, Montreal’s real estate market was suddenly put on pause for ...

The Perfect Potager

The Perfect Potager

Photography: Tatiana Povereny The homeowner opted for a potager with raised container beds after several years of watching groundhogs devour ...

Physical Distancing

Individuals and families around the world have found innovative ways to stay connected during the age of physical distancing. Despite ...

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